Growing Up In Grace: Bible Doctrine – Book 1 (Song CD included)


Original price was: $24.00.Current price is: $20.00.

Teacher’s Manual for the Junior Level (Ages: 9-11) 

This spiral-bound edition has an updated format and visual aids. Released 9/1/2021. The three-ring binder format of this manual is no longer available.

Bible Doctrine books provide brief studies of basic Bible teaching from a dispensational view of the Bible. Not only are key truths of Biblical Christianity presented but also those teachings that apply specifically to believers during the age of grace. An original song is included to reinforce each Bible doctrine taught in the book. Song visuals and sheet music are included with the teacher’s manual.

To help you and your students learn the song, an audio CD is included with the purchase of Bible Doctrine Book 1. To purchase a copy of the CD separately, please see Bible Doctrine Book 1 – Song CD. The music CD contains both a complete demo of the song and a piano accompaniment track.

Every lesson devotes time for Bible reading and memorization for students, object lessons, review games, and practical application of Biblical truth. Every lesson ends with a presentation of the Gospel and encouragement for students to study and apply the instruction they’ve received from God’s Word.

Each of the thirteen lessons contains:

  • Teacher’s outline
  • Memory verses (KJV)
  • Review questions and games
  • Object lessons
  • Reproducible student page
  • Color visuals
  • Encouragement
  • Application
  • Gospel presentation

Available in two formats:

  • CD-ROM with lessons in PDF format*
  • Spiral-bound paperback

Lesson 1: Trinity: Foundation

Lesson 2: Bible (What It Is)

Lesson 3: Bible – Law vs. Grace

Lesson 4: Bible – Rightly Dividing

Lesson 5: Bible – Hidden Mystery

Lesson 6: Heaven and Angels

Lesson 7: Hell

Lesson 8: Life and Death

Lesson 9: Sin/Satan/Condemnation: State

Lesson 10: Grace/Salvation

Lesson 11: Faith

Lesson 12: Assurance/Eternal Security

Lesson 13: Standing and State

Additional information