Growing Up In Grace: Bible Characters – Book 3


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The reformatted and revised edition is available now!

Teacher’s Manual for the Junior Level (Ages: 9-11)

Topics: Herod – John

Bible Characters Book 3 explains God’s dealing with mankind, from Herod to John. Key individuals during the earthly ministry of Christ are highlighted, as well as Paul and other members of the Body of Christ which first received and proclaimed the message of grace. The book concludes with John, who foretold the terrible events of the Tribulation, when the prophetic clock resumes and Antichrist is revealed. The conclusion of the timeline of people and dispensations is included. The teaching emphasizes God’s two-fold purpose and applying principles from the Word of God, as it is rightly divided.

Every lesson devotes time for Bible reading and memorization for students, object lessons, review games, and practical application of Biblical truth. Every lesson ends with a presentation of the Gospel and encouragement for students to study and apply the instruction they’ve received from God’s Word.

Each of the thirteen lessons contains:

  • Teacher’s outline
  • Memory verses (KJV)
  • Review questions and games
  • Object lessons
  • Reproducible student page
  • Color visuals
  • Encouragement
  • Application
  • Gospel presentation

Available in two formats:

  • CD-ROM with lessons in PDF format*
  • Spiral-bound paperback

* Teachers can print the lessons from the CD for classroom use.


Sample Lesson and Student Materials:

Lesson with Take Home Sheet (Lesson 32: Paul–Rich Through Christ: Grace)

Sample Timeline and Visual Aid (Lesson 32: Paul–Rich Through Christ: Grace)

Sample Timeline and Story Map – Notes (Characters Book 3)



Lesson 27: Herod: The Ruthless Ruler: Law

Lesson 28: John the Baptist: Announces the King

Lesson 29: The Lord Jesus Christ: Who, What, Where, When, Why

Lesson 30: Peter: Jesus Is His Rock

Lesson 31: Martha: Too Busy, Too Late, Too Happy

Lesson 32: Paul: Rich Through Christ: Grace

Lesson 33: Barnabas: The Encourager

Lesson 34: Luke: The Writer of “His Story”

Lesson 35: Timothy: An Unselfish Soldier

Lesson 36: Lydia: A Change of Heart

Lesson 37: Titus: A Tough Man For Tough Times

Lesson 38: Antichrist: The Blasphemer: Kingdom

Lesson 39: John: The Revelator

Additional information