Growing Up In Grace: Bible Characters – Book 2


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The reformatted and revised edition is available now!

Teacher’s Manual for the Junior Level (Ages: 9-11)

Topics: Moses – Esther

Bible Characters Book 2 explains God’s dealing with mankind, from Jacob to Esther. Two dispensations identify this period of time: Promise and Law. A continuation of the timeline of people and dispensations is included, which concludes in Bible Characters Book 3. The teaching emphasizes God’s two-fold purpose and applying principles from the Word of God, as it is rightly divided.

Every lesson devotes time for Bible reading and memorization for students, object lessons, review games, and practical application of Biblical truth. Every lesson ends with a presentation of the Gospel and encouragement for students to study and apply the instruction they’ve received from God’s Word.

Each of the thirteen lessons contains:

  • Teacher’s outline
  • Memory verses (KJV)
  • Review questions and games
  • Object lessons
  • Reproducible student page
  • Color visuals
  • Encouragement
  • Application
  • Gospel presentation

Available in two formats:

  • CD-ROM with lessons in PDF format*
  • Spiral-bound paperback

* Teachers can print the lessons from the CD for classroom use.


Lesson 14: Three Kinds of Leaders: Promise  Topic: Judah, the leader  Scripture: Gen. 37:3-34, 42:36, 43:8-9, Phil. 2:3-4

Lesson 15: Moses – Servant of God: Law  Topic: Moses, entrusted with the Law  Scripture: Ex. 3:2-12, Numbers 12:2-3, John 1:17, Rom. 10:4, Col. 2:14

Lesson 16: The Donkey Said What?  Topic: Balaam misused God’s blessings  Scripture: Numbers 22:6-33, 2 Peter 2:15-16, Jude 11

Lesson 17: Deborah – Queen Bee of a Troubled Hive  Topic: Deborah, a judge in Israel  Scripture: Judges 4:1-9, 5:2, Phil. 4:6-7

Lesson 18: The Kinsman-Redeemer  Topic: Boaz and Ruth, love and grace  Scripture: Ruth 1:4-17, 2:2-20, 3:12-13, 4:9-10, Phil. 2:7-8

Lesson 19: Samuel – Set Aside for God  Topic: Samuel served God.  Scripture: 1 Sam. 1:5-18, 2:11-26, 7:12, 12:23-25, 16:7

Lesson 20: After God’s Own Heart  Topic: David, shepherd to king  Scripture: 1 Sam. 16:7-13, 17:8-46, Rom. 5:6, Eph. 5:15-16, 2 Cor. 12:9, Acts 13:22-23

Lesson 21: Mephibosheth – Unworthy But Honored  Topic: David honors Jonathan’s son Mephibosheth.  Scripture: 2 Sam. 1:25-26, 9:1-13

Lesson 22: A God Who Always Hears  Topic: God demonstrated His power through Elijah.  Scripture: Ex. 20:3, Lev. 19:4, 1 Kings 17:1-3, 18:1-39, 19:14, James 5:17

Lesson 23: Painful Lesson for a Reluctant Prophet  Topic: Jonah experienced God’s mercy  Scripture: Jonah 1-17, 2:9, 3:1-2, 4:1, Matt. 12:40

Lesson 24: Here Am I – Send Me  Topic: The prophecies of Isaiah   Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-8, 7:14, 9:6, 53:2-3, Matt. 1:23, Luke 1:31-33, John 1:29, Acts 1:11

Lesson 25: A Promise to God  Topic: Daniel, a life of faithfulness to God  Scripture: Dan. 1:8-17, 2:5-23, 6:6-20, 2 Tim. 4:7

Lesson 26: Esther – For Such a Time As This  Topic: God used Esther to save His people.  Scripture: Esther 1:12, 2:17, 3:8-13, 4:11, 5:4-14

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